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Biodegradable Pet Urn

biodegradable pet urn

Biodegradable Pet Urn

Biodegradable Pet Urns Are Earth-Friendly

Biodegradable pet urns are becoming a very popular way to honor your dogs memory. biodegradable pet urnToday people are becoming more Eco-Friendly with the on going concerns with the environment. These earth- friendly dog urns are all made with recycled and biodegradable materials from the earth.

What Are Biodegradable Cremation Pet Urns Made Of

Each of these biodegradable cremation pet urns are made with white recycled porcelain and paper. All materials are from the earth, each piece has materials such as wildflowers, grasses, pine needles, leaves and cultivated flowers. Some urns will include yarn and thread which are also biodegradable.Bio pet urns

What Are Biodegradable Cremation Pet Urns?

Biodegradable cremation pet urns are Eco-Friendly containers that are made to hold the remains of your pets ashes.  If you have not made the decision if you will place your biodegradable cremation urn in a body of water or bury the container it can be used temporarily to store your pets remains as long it is kept dry. These biodegradable pet urns are Eco-Friendly and will decompose into the earth or if you choose to place in a body of  water it will dissolve in a few hours.

Biodegradable Custom Pet Urn

This is a custom urn it takes 4-6 weeks to create and ship

Eco-Friendly burial is a way to show your beloved dog how much you love and respected them. With this custom pet urn you have the option to bury the container in the ground or place in a body of water. Also, with this urn you have the option to keep it in your home for a few years.biodegradable pet urns

Each pet urn is one of a kind since this is made to order. The look of each urn will depend on the season, and availability of wildflowers, leaves, cultivated flowers, grasses, and pine needles. Natural elements are gathered by hand from the woods, fields and gardens of the artist and supplemented by a florist if needed due to the season. After placing your order for your urn, you will contacted you by email for any ideas on colors and/or patterns you would like to include.

Biodegradable Rock Pet Urn

This biodegradable pet urn also gives you the choice to bury your beloved pet into the earth and let it naturally decompose or place into a body of water. biodegradable rock urnIf your not ready to make a choice you can also keep this pet urn in your home for a few years until you are ready to make your decision.

Biodegradable Sea Breeze Pet Urn

This biodegradable pet urn is a nice way to honor our dogs very free spirited nature. This beautiful handmade pet urn is a biodegradable water urnmixture of clay, minerals and natural plant fibers. These plant fibers give the urn strength for when the urns drys, but they also soak up water when placed into a body of water and breaks down quickly.

Biodegradable Pet Urn Shell

This biodegradable pet urn is awesome for those dogs who love the water a great way to honor your dogs memory. biodegradable dog urnThere is something very calming and healing when you see, hear, and feel the presence of water.



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  • Amanda Reply

    Nice post a lot of great information

    January 1, 2015 at 10:22 pm
  • Lis Reply

    It is fantastic to be able to remember a pet in this way. It is very tasteful and gives the pet owner time to mourn properly for their lose. All the best. Lis.

    January 1, 2015 at 10:26 pm
  • Cindy Reply

    Very interesting, its a sad topic. I didn’t know these even existed, but I think they are a great idea..environmentally friendly as well as practical and attractive.

    January 1, 2015 at 10:55 pm
  • Marant Reply

    A very unique niche, website tastefully done I might add! Good Luck!

    January 2, 2015 at 1:45 am
  • David Reply

    This is a phenomenal post. It’s my first time ever hearing about pet urns, thanks for enlightening me! My grandmother will love this

    January 2, 2015 at 2:03 am
    • Laura Reply

      Hi David,
      There are many options to choose from today. Thank you for sharing

      February 14, 2015 at 3:24 pm

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